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Green credentials are no longer a nice-to-have, they’re a must-have; but in an era of expensive greenwashing, a reputable sustainability scorecard is priceless. Italtile’s LiveGreen Journey has been a gradual but mindful process towards a lighter footprint, seen not just internally, but also in immersive staff activities, funding of important conservation groups ... and in the carefully curated group of suppliers it partners with.
Italtile is extremely proud of its longstanding relationship with South African tile manufacturers Gryphon, masters of sustainability and the pioneers of EcoTec. The EcoTec process creates tiles that are lighter (less clay is used in the tile body) and stronger (24% to 55% stronger than the required SABS standards). Less energy is used in the firing process. The lighter tiles are easier on transport vehicles which use less fuel because of less weight and less water is used in the entire manufacturing process.
The new Matrix tile range is a beautiful example of Gryphon’s sustainable design. It is an 800 x 800, 8mm thick screed-style porcelain tile with an eye-catching Terrazzo design. Matrix offers a delightful star-studded surface with light, mid-tone and dark grey contrasts ‘splashed’ onto a screed-look background. It is a lively and unusual Terrazzo design which will bring a layer of varied and dynamic movement to any contemporary space.
It is interesting to note that Terrazzo has been a desirable look since its invention during the Venetian Renaissance. It saw a return to favour in the 60s and 70s, then burst back on the interior design scene again in pre-COVID days, stippling every imaginable surface, including mugs, duvet covers and stationery. Far from going out of favour again, it has settled into a look that’s here to stay. In 2023, it’s an aesthetic that offers ever more imaginative dappling, with bolder splashes, wildly contrasting fragments and XXL speckles.
The Matrix range offers both Charcoal and Grey colourways, with a matt finish and a cushioned edge (also called a pressed edge) for precise installation. This type of tile edge still has a slight curve caused by the factory’s press during the manufacturing process. A cushioned edge ‘hugs’ the surface well, whether wall or floor, coping well with any imperfection in the surface level ... and is less prone to chipping. A 2mmm grouting gap is required, which creates a near seamless space once installed, with minimal grout lines.
With 8 faces, the tiles will offer a fair level of random patterning, without obvious repetition of design once installed. Matrix is a low-maintenance tile suitable for high foot traffic and offers the peace of mind of a 10-year guarantee.
Matrix by Gryphon is exclusive to Italtile.
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