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Italtile to Join Forces with WESSA for National Water Week 2024

April 16, 2024

Partnerships with like-minded organisations help us audit our sustainability pillar regularly, to deliver meaningfully on our LiveGreen mandate for a greener future. WESSA (The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) is one such organisation we’ve had the privilege of supporting. We thoroughly enjoy active participation in their annual immersive leaner education days because we get to watch the positive impact the activities have on young minds... and we get to learn, too.

Last year, for National Water Week, we worked alongside the learners and staff of Cosmo City West Primary School to help clean up the river and polluted riverbanks close to their school. This year, to honour Water Week, we’re joining the learners of learners and staff of Re Shomile Primary School in Diepsloot on the 12 April.

It’s a survivalist environment, where the challenges of daily life put water conservation very low on the list of activities. But it’s not all doom and gloom in Diepsloot. Upcycling has become popular as a means of earning some cash, so the broad concept of sustainability is gaining traction in the area. The WESSA Water Week initiative is conceptualised to educate children on just how crucial water conservation is to a healthy life to create a encourage them to put water conservation at the heart of their daily lives. The hope is that these messages then get taken home to their families.

In preparation, leading up to the day, learners will be creating artworks that focus on a water conservation theme, which will be showcased on the day. Italtile, together with their partners IEDM, will then join the learners and staff in a community clean-up – many hands make light work – and the day will be wrapped up with the Art Competition Prizegiving.

Events like this give us the opportunity to not only galvanise our own green ethos, but also to give back to the communities in which we live, to actively care for the environments in which we operate and infect others with our passion for the creation of a more waterwise world.

#livegreen #nationalwaterweek2024