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Italtile Rocks The Natural Stone Trend With Deluxe Natural Stone Cladding

July 25, 2022

The stone wall is one of the most ancient construction techniques in the world, dating back over 30 000 years. Back in the day, before the age of cement, the art of dry stone walling – also called drystack – involved the balancing and fitting together of loose field stones and stone chips. Over time, nature and the elements added moss, lichen, grasses and wildflowers, which rooted themselves in the nooks and crannies. What began as efficient fortifications, became beautiful landmarks. The fact that many of these walls remain standing today is testament to the craftsmanship of those ancient stone wall artisans!

Today, with sophisticated tools, the stone wall has become ever more decorative – and ever more desirable. Now, we’re excited to see natural stone walls being incorporated into architecture as interior statement-makers – as feature elements and decorative design “centrepieces” that bring layers, textures and warm tonality to a wide variety of interior styles. And Italtile’s spectacular range of eco-chic Natural Stone Cladding, created by sustainable local manufacturers Global Stone, are designed to complement your desired architectural design: contemporary clean looks, minimalist moods, rustic bush lodge vibes or refined French Country elegance.

Over two exhausting years of pandemic gave rise to several soul-feeding and mood-boosting design movements. Two are most noteworthy – the Sanctuary Trend and its cocooning aesthetic, and the wellness macrotrend of Biophilic Design (bringing the outdoors inside to satisfy our longing for connection with nature). Riding the global tide of naturally inspired interiors as a means of maintaining our mental health,

are natural stone looks. They’re having a marvellous moment and so it’s not surprising that Natural Stone Cladding is trending. On patios, outdoor shower areas, in bathrooms, living rooms, surrounding fireplaces.

So, why choose Italtile’s Natural Stone Cladding? Well, quite apart from gorgeous looks, durability, diverse surfaces and textures, as well as a wide tonal selection of stone colour options, there are a number of really strong benefits unique to the Italtile/Global Stone range.


Craftsmanship – Global Stone has carved a reputation for products that feature incredible workmanship, since 2005. Technology and artistry fuse to create ultra-natural cladding that carries the hand-tooled authenticity of a stone mason.

Exclusive – All the Natural Stone Cladding ranges we carry are made exclusively for Italtile, designed for your eyes only!

 Ingenious, innovative and efficient– Italtile’s Terra ranges are all attached to cement backing for easy installation. The unique process ensures each individual rock segment is embedded in a cement mesh base, and multiple rock segments make up a single sheet or ‘tile’. The sheets fit together rather like puzzle pieces, with no visible joins or horizontal lines. The cement mesh guarantees that rock pieces don’t fall off after installation. End or corner pieces are available to create a beautiful finish. Other cladding ranges are epoxy glued together, carefully colour matching the epoxy to the natural stone, ensuring the most natural look.

Cost effective – Italtile’s Natural Stone Cladding is designed to cut high installation costs: the puzzle-piece, stone-sheet format makes for very easy, quick installation.

Protective packaging – while most other ranges are supplied either loose, or in crates, Italtile’s Global Stone ranges are boxed and labelled. It’s a small but hugely important detail and typifies the Global Stone attention to detail as well as Italtile’s ongoing pursuit of perfection!

LiveGreenGlobal Stone is one of Italtile’s most eco-conscious suppliers of sustainably sourced and manufactured luxury style. This level of eco chic has more than earned the Italtile LiveGreen label.

The Italtile / Global Stone Natural Stone Cladding range:

Pena Slate 600 x 200 – a rustic, randomly shaped finish in mellow brown tones.


Pietra – a more elegant rustic finish with slim pieces and straight edges, in a natural blend of brown, black and grey Slate, a paler, warm Walnut shade and an on-trend, cool-toned silvery Charcoal. 400 x 100.

Roccia – super-slim strip cladding, ‘fingers’ of stone, 600 x 150, in pearl-toned Bianca and multi-toned neutral Crema.

Terra – this option features an exceptionally varianced range of stone segment sizes that pays homage to traditional dry stone walls. Available in Autumn Natural and Grey Natural, 600 x 200, with matching end pieces, 400 x 200.

Earth Brown – randomly shaped sizes, beautifully mixed, highly textural and multi-toned.180 x 350

Cloud Grey – randomly mixed sizes, silvery pearl with an attractive granite sparkle. 180 x 350.

Gobi Sand – a beautifully random variety of neutral-toned stone squares and rectangles that work beautifully together.180 x 350.

Just ask us. Italtile’s choice of Natural Stone Cladding is wide, with so many options. Which one is destined to add dimension and texture to your mood board? Why not bring your décor queries to us in store. We’ll walk you through our stress-busting biophilic ranges of Natural Stone Wall Cladding and discuss which variant is best-suited to your needs, individual style and pocket.


To view our Italtile Natural Stone Cladding Range:



View how our natural Terra cladding is manufactured:



